Senin, 13 Juni 2011

Knowing 4 Unique Character of Man

As a unique creature, every human being has a different character with each other. This is very interesting to note. By knowing the character of others, we will know how to recognize and understand them. This will give a positive effect on our relationships with people who are around us. Often occur disharmony in one's relationships with other people because of differences of view about something. As adults, we should understand that the differences that occur in this life is a must. No difference in the world was no color.

Character in a person who will be discussed in this article are discussed the general character of Florence Litteaur in the book Personality Plus. Florence human character divides into four major parts. Someone could be a follower of one of four characters, but he also could be a blend of two or more other characters. In the science of psychology, character and temperament are also often distinguished in color. In general, the discussion in this article are the same as the discussion on the science of psychology, the difference is only in naming it.
Character in a person can actually be formed. Suppose he is a male character A, the actual character can still be formed, improved, but not likely to change in total. A character will still be attached to him. He could only make himself better by understanding the advantages he has, and reduce the weaknesses which seemed previously.
Florence Littauer divides human nature in 4 models, namely sanguinis, melancholy, and Phlegmatis koleris. Everyone can be a person who has the character combination of the four earlier models. Maybe there is a sanguinis but also melancholy in one time. Sanguinis was marked by his ability to speak without interruptions, cheerful, love life, but often late in a matter of time, forget many things. Melancholy is a thinker, moody, poet's life, genius but also the most easily offended, sensitive, easily depressed, and if you cannot hide from the angry look on his face. Koleris was a leader of character, who can manage others and delegate tasks, but also often feel self-righteous without understanding the situation. Phlegmatis the most delicious. Her life just goes on. What happened, happened, he said. Live quietly, peacefully, no problem, not easily stressed and could be a mediator, but unfortunately often do not have a target, look lazy and have no ambition to do all things. It's best to have a mix of everything; the origin should not be extreme points for each character. Whatever it is, if too much, would not be good to you.
Know the personality and identity is one of the most important things in life. Who does not know himself, and then he would not know how to think and behave in life. Live right place to solve the problem, if we do not know how to think and act will definitely be a super confused. 

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